It addresses Medium Voltage Cable (Type MV).
[328.1]. It's a single or multi-dielectric insulated cable rated 2001V or
You can use
Type MV in wet or dry locations. You can use it in raceways. You can use it for
direct burial per 300.50. You can use Type MV in messenger-supported wiring
conforming to Article 396. So far, it sounds like you can use it just about
anywhere, but that's not quite the case.
When using it in cable trays, you must
comply with several requirements in Article 392. If you run it exposed, the
installation must conform to 300.37 [328.10]. The NEC does not list all
permitted uses. Essentially, you can use it anywhere it's not exposed to direct
sunlight (if it's identified for that use, you can) if you have the approval of
the Authority Having Jurisdiction.
can't use it where it's exposed to direct sunlight, unless it's identified for
the use [328.12].
That question
does not have a generally applicable answer. The specifics depend upon the exact
cable and the application. Type MV cannot be installed by just any electrician.
Because of the voltages involved in the (intended) applications, it must be
installed by people specifically qualified to install that particular cable
[328.14]. This qualification typically comes from the manufacturer.
As with the
previous question, that question does not have a generally applicable answer.
Type MV cable must be terminated by people who are specifically qualified to
terminate that cable. They will use very specialized tools, for example electric
crimpers with dies made for those specific terminations.
And before the cable can be put into service, it must be tested by qualified
test technicians [328.14]. We strongly advise working with a NETA
member firm if you are installing Type MV cable.
Shermco, for example, does
this kind of work and does it well. Actually, if we may borrow from Carly Simon,
nobody does it better.